AccueilParcoursThe fundamentals of management


The fundamentals of management

  • Personalizing employee recognition
  • Giving and receiving recognition
  • Identify the motivational levers of your employees
  • Identifying one’s management style and knowing how to position oneself as a manager
  • Acquiring methods and tools to lead one’s team on a daily basis
  • Transferring skills, encouraging team autonomy, and delegating
  • Identify the causes of change management difficulties
  • Identify possible behaviors in the face of change
  • Understand the actions to be taken and the conditions for success in managing change
  • Understanding the DISC method
  • Know how to analyze your employees’ behaviors using DISC
  • Improve managerial effectiveness with DISC
  • Acquire the basics of active listening and develop one’s listening potential
  • Observe and choose appropriate communication channels
  • Learn to calibrate and synchronize for better active listening
  • Integrate the stakes, benefits, and limitations of feedback
  • Acquire the basics and best practices of successful feedback
  • Develop relational skills in the service of feedback
  • Manage conflicts through a better understanding of their mechanisms
  • Transform apprehensions
  • Acquire skills for resolving interpersonal conflicts
  • Developing or finding an appropriate manager posture
  • Legitimizing one’s position as a manager
  • Taking a stand in front of one’s team with respect and kindness
  • Integrate key delegation and accountability techniques
  • Master how to set and monitor delegation and reporting objectives
  • Develop your skills and posture to delegate more effectively
  • Developing oral conviction
  • Learn the tools and tips of great leaders to enhance charisma
  • Refining gestures, physical grounding, and speaking fluently
  • Prepare and lead effective meetings
  • Manage group dynamics
  • Practicing active listening and empathy
  • Deepen one or more of the skills seen previously
  • Discover points not yet seen in the first sessions on a subject
  • Practice using techniques and tools, and build up a track record
  • Validate the knowledge and methodology acquired during the course
  • Enhance your skills, increase your value in your field and profession
  • Gain recognition on the job market
  • Régler une de vos problématiques grâce à des séances de coaching
  • Déclencher un ou plusieurs déclics au sein de vous-même pour progresser
  • Comprendre l’apport du coaching et de la maïeutique, en le vivant soi-même.

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